First Blog Post

Thank you for joining me on my website.

I have been busy with many tasks over the past few months. Many people may think that self publishing is as easy as writing a book and hitting the publish button. It is not. After writing the book I went through the self edit phase. I do three or four rounds of this, looking for particular elements to delete, change or add throughout the process.

Depending on funds, once self edits are complete it is time to send your manuscript to a developmental editor or beta readers. I set a budget of $1000 for my first publication so for me a developmental editor was out of the question. I sent my manuscript to three beta readers. I did not need a blurb for this round of reading as two beta readers were paid and another was a freind who is an editor. 

While I awaited their feedback I kept myself busy with researching as much as I could about the self publishing process. I created a website which I found to be a very difficult task. It took weeks of trial and error to complete create what I wanted. I investigated editors, cover designers, took some classes, looked into Facebook promotion groups, set up an Instagram account, created an author Facebook page, learnt a little about newsletters, and the list goes on.

To be continued…

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